Living Up

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Resilience In The Face Adversities.

These are most trying times, folks. But we've got to live on. We are losing our homes, our jobs and retirement accounts. But we've got to live on. This is the time we have to take a deep breath and reflect on where we are in our lives and boldly confront our fears, shortfalls and weaknesses and tell ourselves that we've got what it takes to overcome them all. Whatever our predicament, whatever our immediate thorny issues are we need to believe in ourselves that we can overcome.

We should be trustful of ourselves and understand that so long as we are capable of blinking, we can survive all these adversarial aspects of our lives. Life has been said by others to be unfair. Life could be cruel. Life could be disappointing. It has often been said also that Life is what we make it. I have come to realize that it is not always so. Sometimes Life does not respond to what we want it to be. Sometimes other people and incidents interfere with our Lives to make things more difficult for us. If you do not believe that, tell it to the victims of Katrina or the Sunami of a few years back in Asia. These unfortunate folks did not make their Lives as difficult as these natural disasters made them.

I have come to question some of our old adages and common beliefs lately; and our fate, individually and collectively, has been very much a target of my unending quandary. As I keep seeking answers to these questions that keep poking my brains, I see how calmly most people go about their affairs, uncomplainingly. I have often wondered if these people could be taunted by the kinds of Life's concerns that I find myself entangled in lately. I also tend to look back to see if I could have done certain things differently in which case my Life's outcome might have been completely different from what it is today.

When my brains are almost tired of churning out some answers, I remember that many more houses in my neigbhorhood are being foreclosed, many jobs are reported lost and various retirement accounts and companies are dropping in value daily. Yet, the people I meet everyday smile, laugh and hug with undiminished warmth. So, I have come to the conclusion now that the human spirit has a deep fountain of hope to draw from. The detail nature of that hope may differ from each of us. But the sagging faces I would meet today could have a bright and warm countenance the next day. So, there surely must be a way out of our current and even unanticipated future predicaments. Whatever the threat to our survival is, however menacing the sword of Democles is poised over our heads, I have come to believe we could escape the frightening hazzard.

Folks, we must live on. We can live on. We can even ameliorate our conditions. We only have to believe in ourselves and keep hope aloft. For many who have lingered in dispair for considerably long periods without any breakthrough yet, such words as I am throwing out here may be hard to take. Surely, it takes more than sheer hope for any significant improvement in our situation. So, we may not just be content with only hope. However, hope and the belief in our inner strength, our desire to live, our reasons for choosing life could be enough pilot to turn our fire on to rebuild our lives.

So, to all folks out there who are facing adversities, I encourage you to keep hoping. For those needing help with their homes to avoid foreclosure, do not hesitate to look for help. I know you are all proud to depend on your oars and may not feel comfortable getting Government assistance. But guess what. If you don't the Corporate bigwigs will jump to take it and have you pay for it later. Even as they are doing more than fine, they won't hesitate to grab Government assistance to keep their comparative advantage over the rest of us. It is only that whilst Federal help to us is called welfare, Federal help to the Corporate entities is called "Bail Out and Tax Breaks". We only have to know how to grow the limited help from the Government to distance ourselves further from the poverty line. And we would not have to depend on the Government or any other sources of charity anymore. We can regain our pride of being self-made or self-sufficient, again. We can succeed and so we should work on succeeding.

I have learnt that the following sites listed below could lead people to find help in mitigating any threats of Foreclosure on their homes:

1). Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (Non-Profit)

2). Fannie Mae

3). Freddie Mac

4). Bank Foreclosures Information
